Changes to PIC Media Fund Call
PIC is very excited to announce that we've finalized the changes to our Media Fund Call!
Starting in October we will have a separate call for R&D applications. There will be two deadlines, one on Friday, January 9, 2015 and one on Friday, July 10, 2015. All qualified applications will be reviewed by a dedicated panel of industry professionals who will have the singular focus of recommending R&D projects for funding. We've also managed to shorten the review process. What used to take up to 12 weeks will now take 10 weeks.
Youʻre probably asking yourself: does this mean PIC isn't funding Production or Completion projects? Absolutely not! Calls for both Production and Completion funding applications will be Friday, October 10, 2014 and Friday, April 10, 2015.
Another change to Media Fund is the launch of a new online application that we hope will be less onerous for producers and more efficient for PIC. Specifics about the new online application and instructions on the Media Fund page will be updated by September 26th. The requirements for applications will still be the same so please be sure to give yourselves at least two weeks prior to deadlines to prepare your proposals.
If you you any questions you can contact Cheryl Hirasa at chirasa@piccom.org or (808) 591-0059 ext. 160.
Categories: Funding