
Interested in getting support for your project?


How To Apply


Through the Shorts Fund, successful applicants will receive up to $25,000 in funding.  In addition to standalone short films and short film series, we welcome short films that are intended to be proofs of concept for feature length films.  All projects must meet the criteria outlined on the Shorts Fund page.




Our Fall 2024 Open Call is now CLOSED. Our next call will open in Spring 2025.

This is a combined Media Fund/Shorts Fund call. When you access our application portal, simply choose which fund you'll be applying to. PIC opens these combined calls twice a year--once in the spring, and once in the fall.

We encourage interested applicants to read through the following sections to learn more about project qualifications, applicant eligibility, what we are looking for, what to expect during the application review, and funding terms.

Through our online application portal, you’ll be able to access the application form, upload required materials, save drafts, and return to submit when you're ready. 
IMPORTANT:  Please remember that applicants must be the copyright holder of the proposed project.

The following is a list of materials that are required for your application submission. Please be sure to read through this list carefully as it is your responsibility to make sure you submit the following required materials, failure to do so will result in disqualification.


The following is a list of materials you'll need to upload to our online application portal.

We suggest reviewing this application checklist and preparing materials well in advance of the deadline.

Items with an asterisk (*) are required for all applicants.  Please pay close attention to notes listed under the other items, as they specify which projects will need to submit these pieces.


Your applications will be carefully reviewed by staff and our Independent Review Panel, which is time intensive.   For this reason, we ask that you heed the word count and page limitations when specified.  We cannot guarantee additional pages beyond the maximum amount will be read.


1.  Project Description* 

Note:  maximum of 5 pages in length, any additional pages might not be read.

Include the following:  

  • Short Summary/Synopsis (125 words max):  what is your story about?  State the genre and give an overview of your story.

  • Treatment (1000 words max):  a summary of your film that includes its current status and an explanation of what your story is, its structure from beginning to end including plot points, narrative trajectory, main characters and character arcs. Also describe the theme, format and point of view through which the story will be told.

  • Filmmaker’s Statement (250 words max):  explain why you want to tell this story, what your connection is to the story and why you feel you're the best person to tell this story.  Please include your access to the story and characters.  If your short film is intended to be a proof of concept for a feature length film, please briefly explain what that'll be.

  • Topic Summary (250 words max):  detail the topics, issues, themes, challenges, stakes, or questions that your project will cover.  Describe why this topic is important, timely or relevant to Pacific Islanders.  Explain the cultural and/or social relevance and context for the topic.  

  • Artistic Approach (250 words max):  explain how you intend to tell this story.  Describe your creative vision for the finished project - its visual look and feel.  Explain your intended use of cinematic language or any particular artistic approach that informs the storytelling.  If applicable, mention any creative elements, new technologies or non-traditional mediums that you intend to utilize.  Explain how these elements will enhance the experience and interaction between viewer and the world of the story.


The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your Project Description based on:

  • How well the treatment is written and whether the storyline is clearly delineated.  Does the applicant demonstrate exceptional storytelling with a clear narrative structure?  Is the story compelling? Are the characters well developed?  Is there enough tension or drama to engage viewers?

  • How well the applicant demonstrated sensitivity and understanding toward Pacific Islander culture and people.  Is the story an accurate and authentic representation of the Pacific Islander experience?  Does the applicant demonstrate adequate access to the story and characters?

  • Is the subject matter/topic original?  Is this an untold story or a story told in a new and innovative approach?  Is the theme well-articulated?  Is the story timely and relevant to Pacific Islander communities as well as other communities? Does this story have cultural and/or social relevance?

  • How clearly the visual and stylistic approach was explained.  Does it fit the treatment?  Was it possible to clearly visualize the finished film based on the applicant's explanation?  Is the project innovative and/or take creative risks?


2.  Script 

Note:  a script is required for FICTION films only.

Upload your script as a .doc, .docx or PDF file.

The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your Script based on:

  • Whether the storytelling through the script is compelling?  Is the script constructed well?  Does it match the treatment?  Is the premise clearly articulated?  Does the dialogue make sense and match the story?  Are all the scenes necessary and tell a complete story?  Is the ending satisfying?


3.  Lookbook 

Note:  a Lookbook is required for FICTION films only.  

  • You have the option to provide a description of your Lookbook in the corresponding field (Description of Lookbook) and any details you want panelists to consider when reviewing.

  • Upload your Lookbook as a PDF file.  


The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your Lookbook based on:

  • The effectiveness of your Lookbook:  are there enough details to help visualize what your film will look like and how you'll tell your story?  Does it visually represent your script, treatment and artistic approach?


4.  Work-In-Progress (WIP)

Note:  a WIP is not required if your project is in the pre-production or early production phase.  However, if your project is in the mid-production or post-production phase you must provide a WIP.

  • Provide a title for your WIP in the corresponding field (WIP Title).

  • Provide a short description of what your WIP represents (i.e. trailer, scene selects, rough cut, etc.) in the corresponding field (WIP Description) and any details you would like panelists to consider when viewing.

  • Provide us a link and password to view your WIP, however, this file must be downloadable (1GB or less) and must be available throughout the duration of application review.


The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your WIP based on:

  • The production value, character presentation and visual style.

  • The storytelling ability of key creative personnel.

  • How well the WIP represents the idea and concept of the proposed project.


5.  Project Timeline* 

Note:  maximum of 2 pages in length, any additional pages might not be read.

Upload one document as a .doc, .docx or PDF file that includes:

  • An explanation of your film's current status, what work has been completed thus far and what work is left to do.  

  • Both the creative and production processes and should detail major project activities, production schedules, and anticipated post-production and release dates.  

  • If you have previously applied to the Digital Short Funds, please share how your project has progressed since the last time you applied.


The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your Detailed Project Timeline based on:

  • How realistic and reasonable the project timeline is based on its current status.

  • The relevancy of the timeline to the type of project proposed.

  • How likely the project will be completed within 18 months of being awarded PIC funds.


6.  Detailed Budget*

Note:  Use of the PIC budget template is required. You may access a viewable template here. Please download the file as an Excel Sheet to fill out.

Upload your Detailed Budget as an .xls, .xlsx file.  It should include income (secured) and expenses (both past and future) for the entire project.  It should also include details appropriate to the scope of your project and be broken down by category and line item.  Guidelines to consider when creating your budget:

  • Reasonable and necessary equipment/software purchases may be included as part of the proposal and budget; however, all intended equipment/software purchases must be delineated in the proposed budget and may not total more than $500 of PIC funds.

  • Only expenses for the creation of your film should be included; items and activities regarding festivals and screenings should not be included.

  • PIC funding can be used for promotional expenses but should not exceed $1,000 in total.

  • In-kind services and equipment are allowed in your budget but should be capped to 15% of the total budget.

  • Please DO NOT upload a PDF file, only .xls or .xlsx files.


The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your Detailed Budget based on:

  • How realistic and reasonable the budget is.

  • The relevancy of the budget to the scope and type of project proposed.

  • How likely the project will be completed on budget.


7.  Fundraising Strategy and Grant Impact* 

Note:  maximum of 500 words 

Include the following:

  • Fundraising Strategy:  if your total budget is larger than $25,000 and you’ll need to raise additional funds aside from PIC’s, please describe the strategy for raising said additional funds. Please be specific.

  • Funding Secured to Date:  provide a list of all sources and amounts raised to date.  Distinguish between potential sources of funding and secured amounts.  List the status of other sources of funding currently under consideration.  

  • Grant Impact:  Should you receive PIC funding, describe how granted funds would be spent and how the amount requested would help you move forward with your project.


The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your Fundraising Strategy and Grant Impact based on:

  • Whether your fundraising plan is clear and concrete.

  • The probability of raising the amount needed, aside from PIC funding.

  • The reasonability of how you plan to spend PIC funds and whether it will effectively move the project forward.


8.  Previously Completed Work

Note:  a Previously Completed Work is required for all applications.

Your Peviously Completed Work should be the same genre as your proposed project and can be a previously completed work of yours or your director, producer, cinematographer or editor.  However, keep in mind that it's preferred that you use a previously completed work of your own.

  • Provide a title for your Previously Completed Work in the corresponding field.

  • Provide a short description of your Previously Completed Work, in the corresponding field, including who the key creatives were and any details that panelists should consider when viewing.

  • Provide us a link and password to view your Previously Completed Work, however, this file must be downloadable (1GB or less) and must be available throughout the duration of application review.  


The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your Previously Completed Work based on:

  • The production value, character presentation and visual style.

  • The storytelling ability of key creative personnel.

  • How well the story progressed (narrative arc).

  • How well the Previously Completed Work indicates success for the proposed project.


9.  Key Creative Personnel*

Upload one document as a .doc, .docx or .pdf file that includes:

  • A list of your Key Creative Personnel (executive producer, director, producer, writer, cinematographer or editor) including names, relevant expertise, roles on the proposed project and brief bios.  Include notable credits and/or major recognition or award information.  You can also include advisors, cultural or otherwise.  

  • Letters of commitment for main characters and key creative personnel you have secured.  If you don't have letters of commitment for some of your key creative personnel, please make note of that and explain where in the process you are in securing them.


The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your Key Creative Personnel based on:

  • The Key Creative Personnel's experience to effectively accomplish the proposed project.

  • The amount of Pacific Islander representation in key personnel positions.

  • For non-fiction projects, the access to the story's main character(s).


10. Audience and Distribution* 

Note:  maximum of 500 words

Upload one document as a .doc, .docx or .pdf file that includes:

  • Intended Audience:  Describe the anticipated audience for your project, include any underserved audiences, and how your project will serve the needs of indigenous Pacific Islander communities.  Also describe how your project will appeal to a national and global audience.  Explain how you plan to reach these audiences.

  • Distribution:  Specify your festival, theatrical, community engagement and broader distribution plans for your project.

  • Promotion:  Describe how you intend to build a following and audience and what your promotional plan is, include social media and traditional media, if applicable.

  • Engagement & Social Impact:  audience engagement is a strategy designed to activate audiences and constituencies toward specific goals.  Not all films are suited for social engagement, but if yours is, what actions do you hope for viewers to take after seeing your film?  Potential activities could include organizational partnerships, viewer or educational guides, social change campaigns, multi-platform activities, etc.  What are your current or intended partnerships with organizations in your issue area?


The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your Audience and Distribution Plan based on:

  • The potential for your project to appeal to a wide and diverse audience.

  • How clearly you identified target and Pacific Islander audiences and how well your project will serve the needs of these audiences.

  • The effectiveness of your distribution and promotional plan to reach your audiences.

  • The potential for the project to affect social change, be a two-way conversation with viewers and target communities, and the appropriateness of your project for public media.


11. Training Plan* 

Note:  maximum of 250 words

One of PIC's priorities is to support and nurture future indigenous Pacific Islander media makers through the projects that we fund and therefore, we require our projects to include meaningful and long lasting training and mentorship opportunities.  

Include the following:

  • A detailed plan to provide specific training opportunities for emerging indigenous Pacific Islander filmmakers, talent and technical crew (e.g. Actors, Cinematographer, Editor, etc.). 

  • Specific plans for where and how you will recruit talent and what your access is to these communities.

  • Your experience with mentorship and training.  You can also include someone on your key creative team who will be responsible for mentorship and training.


The Independent Review Panel will evaluate your Training Plan based on:

  • The effectiveness of your plan to provide Pacific Islanders with experience that will help build their careers.

  • How well your training plan demonstrates a familiarity with the Pacific Islander community.

  • The production team’s previous experience with mentoring or training others.

For questions contact Kainoa Rudolfo (krudolfo@piccom.org), (808) 591-0059, ext. 140.