2013 PaleyDocs Pitch Workshop Contest Deadline 9/04
The PaleyDocs Pitch Contest offers a $5,000 grant for an unfinished or work-in-progress documentary from an emerging filmmaker.
The Paley Center for Media is using this contest, now in its tenth year, to choose five finalists who will pitch their unfinished films to a panel of experts and producers in front of an audience. This event, the PaleyDocs Pitch Workshop, will take place on Saturday, November 16, 2013, in New York as part of the Paley Center's ongoing PaleyDocs series.
Entries are judged based on the originality of your vision and the viability of the concept. At the pitch workshop, finalists will be judged by originality, viability, and the persuasiveness of their pitch.
Deadlines to Enter:
Entries must be postmarked by deadline. Deadlines and fees are as follows:
• Earlybird Deadline: August 21, 2013 ($25 regular submission fee /
$20 for Withoutabox members submitting through Withoutabox)
• Regular Deadline: September 4, 2013 ($30 / $25 for Withoutabox members)
• Late Deadline: September 18, 2013 ($35 / $30 for Withoutabox members)
Special Extended Deadline:
October 2, 2013 ($45 / $35 for Withoutabox members)
Withoutabox Extended Deadline:
October 9, 2013 ($55 / $40 for Withoutabox members)
To enter Pitch contest, visit: www.paleycenter.org/paleydocs2013-call-for-entries-pitch-workshop-contest
Categories: Funding