FestPAC 2024 Films to Watch
Free to stream
Bush Cutter (American Samoa)
Ulu Hulo’ (Guam)
Connecting to Strengthen Climate Change Resilience (Cook Islands)
Cries From the Moana (Fiji)
Hasso yan Honra | Mañenggon (Guam)
The Healer Stones of Kapaemahu (Hawaiʻi)
The Himii Legacy (Norfolk Island)
Just One Turtle (Norfolk Island)
ka mo’opuna i ke alo, the grandchild in the presence (Hawaiʻi)
Kåntan Hereru (Guam)
Lady Eva (Tonga)
Marks of Mana (Samoa, Fiji, Aotearoa, Papua New Guinea)
Mauna Kea, Sacred Mountain, Sacred Conduct (Hawaiʻi)
ʻUluʻulu Moving Image Archive: Memories from the 6th Festival of Pacific Arts (Across the Pacific)
Protectors Anthem (Guam)
RAMA (Norfolk Island)
Sina ma Tinirau (Fiji)
Sky Aelens (Solomon Islands)
Soli Bula (Fiji)
Taro: Family Recipes from Micronesia (Pohnpei, Guam, Palau)
Tāua e Moana / Ocean and I voyage (Cook Islands)
Te Marumaru Atua sets sail to Hawaii for Festival of the Pacific Arts 2024 (Cook
Tradewinds (Guam)
The University of Fiji documentary "Drua: A Beacon of Discovery" (Fiji)
Hawaiian Soul will be available on YouTube on Thursday, July 25 (Hawaiʻi)
Dances of Life (Across the Pacific)
Pay to stream
For my Father’s Kingdom (Tonga)
Out of State (Hawaiʻi)
Tala’s Bedtime Story (Samoa)
Whetū Mārama: Bright Star (Aotearoa)
Categories: Film Festival, Streaming