Mental Health Challenges for Native Hawaiians on Insights on PBS Hawaii 10/10
What Are the Mental Health Challenges for Native Hawaiians?
on Insights on PBS Hawaii
Thursday, October 10, 2013
8:00 p.m.
From PBS Hawaii:
Western-imposed values left many Native Hawaiians feeling a loss of identity. But even those Native Hawaiians who have embraced their heritage struggle with life in contemporary Hawaiʻi. These conflicts can sometimes lead to depression and severe mental health issues. On the next INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAII (Thurs., Oct. 10, 8:00 pm), we ask, What Are the Mental Health Challenges for Native Hawaiians?
Scheduled guests include: Kumu Hula Vicky Holt Takamine, co-founder of PA'I, a native Hawaiian culture and arts organization; and filmmaker Christen Hepuakoa Marquez. PBS Hawaii will premiere the television broadcast of Christen's film, E Haku Inoa: To Weave a Name, on October 24.
INSIGHTS is also available online through live streaming. Your questions and comments are welcome via phone, email, Twitter or live blogging. You may also email your questions ahead of time to insights@pbshawaii.org
Categories: Broadcast