Out of State Selected as MacArthur Foundation Grant Recipient
We are pleased to announce that PIC-funded project Out of State has been awarded a MacArthur Foundation grant. The foundation, a supporter of independently produced film and video for more than 30 years, announced 18 grants totaling $2 million for documentary film projects. The documentaries address a range of important issues, including immigration, wrongful convictions, and the aftermath of genocide. Out of State, about the experiences of native Hawaiian inmates sent to a private penitentiary in Arizona, was awarded $75,000.
“MacArthur’s media grantmaking supports work that combines exceptional storytelling with high quality journalism about under-reported but important social issues,” said MacArthur President Robert Gallucci. “This year’s documentaries illuminate serious issues in approachable, creative, and engaging ways, including two multi-platform projects that will be interactive and encourage audiences to share their own stories.”
The Foundation received nearly 500 proposals in response to its most recent open call for independent documentary film proposals.
“We continue to be heartened and amazed by the creative energy, journalistic integrity, and commitment to bringing issues to light that filmmakers demonstrate during each open call,” said Kathy Im, MacArthur’s Director of Media, Culture, and Special Initiatives.
The Foundation’s next open call for documentary film proposals will be announced in the spring.
See more at: www.macfound.org/press/press-releases/macarthur-awards-18-documentary-film-grants/#sthash.QFFMw8MO.dpuf
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