PIC Media Fund Deadline Friday 2/28
The next PIC Media Fund and Short Film Acquisition application deadline is Friday, February 28, 2014 at 5:00 PM HST
Producers have spoken, and PIC has listened! Our Media Fund process has finally gone green, and we are so pleased to share the new application process with you. Please take some time to read through the new Media Fund section to familiarize yourself with this new process. We are available to help answer your questions at: mediafund@piccom.org.
Our goal is to support the development of national public broadcast programming that enhances public recognition of and appreciation for Pacific Islander history, culture, and society.
PIC accomplishes this by nurturing and supporting filmmakers through its Research & Development (R&D), Production, and Completion funds.
Explore PIC's funding options:
Research & Development (R&D)
View the new Media Fund Application details
Short Film Acquisition Call:
PIC accepts completed short films of Pacific Islander content for its Short Film Acquisition Call. The acquired short films will be streamed on PIC’s website non-exclusively for a period of three years. To submit your short film for consideration, please email: info@piccom.org.
Categories: Funding