This quarterly newsletter, brings along a special name: STORYBOARD. With this name, we pay homage to STORYBOARD: The Quarterly Film and Video Journal of Pacific Islanders in Communications, a printed journal PIC used to publish.
"Talofa, Håfa Adai, Aloha mai kākou,
Many of you may be wondering, 'What is 'STORYBOARD'?' Some of you might recall that, for over a decade, PIC published a quarterly magazine known as 'STORYBOARD'. This magazine served as a valuable resource, keeping our supporters informed about the latest developments in Pacific Islander media content and talent...Given all these developments, it felt like the perfect moment to return to our roots by renaming our quarterly institutional newsletter to 'STORYBOARD'. Like its predecessor, this quarterly newsletter will include insights into our journey, our ongoing endeavors, knowledge-sharing articles by staff and funded producers, spotlights on creative minds in the world of filmmaking, as well as information on various funding opportunities and festivals, and much more..."
Read the rest of our quarterly newsletter and look at old covers from the original STORYBOARD!
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