PIC Media Fund R&D Deadline - Friday, January 8, 2016
Image from Eating Up Easter, PIC R&D funding recipient in 2012
The next deadline for Media Fund applications is Friday, January 8, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. HST. This call is for R&D funding applications only.
To learn more about applying for R&D funds, please visit our R&D Funding page. Please contact mediafund@piccom.org with questions no later than two weeks prior to the deadline.
We now have a separate call for Production and Completion applications. Please continue to check back for the next deadline.
About Media Fund
Media Fund has four funding calls per fiscal year. Two calls for R&D funding applications, and two calls for Production or Completion funding applications. Applicants may apply with only one project per call.
Categories: Funding